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First Look - Crude nears $70/Bbl as trade tensions rise
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First Look - Crude nears $70/Bbl as trade tensions rise

Industries / Private Equity

Helping Private Equity Firms Protect Investments With Commodity Risk Management

Commodity price volatility puts your margins at risk and effects your portfolio companies EBITDA. Our platform provides the research, advanced analytics, and risk modeling to enhance your forward visibility.

Manage Risk. Protect Profits. Build Winning Businesses.

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View the commodity exposures of a single portfolio company or aggregated across all, in a single screen–so you can make better decisions. We make it easy to manage your commodity exposures in real-time through objective market views, customized hedge strategies, proactive portfolio monitoring, cost-effective trade execution, and back-office support.

Common hedgeable exposures for private equity portfolios include:



Natural Gas


Crude Oil


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